2 WORDsearch Connection Installer, Version WSC-H 3 Do you want to exit the Installer? 4 ?:\~WSWSC.H 5 NavPress.ALF -- no longer used 6 \NavPress 8 Cannot change to drive %s. \n \nDo you have the proper access rights for that drive? 9 Cannot create directory %s. \n \n - Is it a valid directory name? \n - Is this a read-only drive? \n - Do you have the necessary access rights? 10 The directory name must start with a \. \nDo not include the drive letter. 12 The Installer can create only one directory. \nIn other words, %s must already exist \nbefore the Installer can do what you ask. 13 You must specify a directory in which to install. \nIt cannot be the root directory. 14 No CD drive was found on this computer. \n \nThis installer is for use with only the NavPress Software \n%s. 15 Please insert the %s in one of these drives: \n \n %s \n \nIf a NavPress Software CD is already in one of these drives, please use the Installer on that CD: \n 1. Use the File Manager or Explorer to open the CD. \n 2. Double-click file INSTALL.EXE. 16 Install (or Update) 17 Uninstall 18 The order key is incorrect. Please verify and correct it. \n \nNotes: \n - Order keys unlock software. All order keys \n are issued by NavPress Software. \n - Each order key can only be used once. -- TO DO: revise this later 21 The Order Key is incorrect. Please make sure it was entered correctly. \n \nNOTE: An Order Key works only on the computer that the Customer Code \ncame from. \n \n(Code %i) 22 To order by mail, E-mail, or fax: \n \n 1. Check the items you want to order. \n 2. Click the "Mail / Fax" button again. \n \nThis method is also useful if your phone is not near the computer. 23 Your order form has been placed in the clipboard. To complete the order: \n \n 1. Paste the order form into a word processor or Notepad. \n 2. Fill in the blanks on the order form. \n 3. Mail, E-mail, or fax the order to NavPress Software. 24 %s MB selected; %lu MB free on %c: 25 That product has not been unlocked. -- No longer used 26 Check items to remove from the hard disk. 28 \n \nTo change your order, revise your selections \nand click "Mail / Fax" again. 29 Word Processor Support -- No longer used 30 \n \nIf the word processor is not already installed, install it before continuing. \n \nAre you ready now to install 31 That is not a valid directory. 32 Please enter the directory of the word processor. \nExample: \ 33 This will delete most NavPress Software files. However, it will not delete files that you may have changed, such as personal commentary, outlines, or desktops. \n \n 34 &Exit Installer 35 %s \n \nThere may not be enough room on the hard disk for the selected files. Attempt installation anyway? 36 An error has occurred while trying to locate the files. As many files as possible will be processed. Please contact tech support at 512-835-6900. (Code DgInst%i); 37 An error has occurred writing to %s. The disk may be full. 38 There is a problem creating one of the files on %s. \n \n- WORDsearch & LESSONmaker must be closed when you install. \n- You must have permission to write on that disk. \n- The network connection to that disk must be established? 39 There is a problem opening the files on %s. Is the correct CD in the drive? 40 There is a problem copying the files. (Code %li) 41 Nothing has been unlocked yet, so nothing can be installed except the Sampler. To install the Sampler, select "Install Sampler" on the main menu. 42 This will delete all files in directory %s and all of its subdirectories, including any desktops, personal commentary, topics, outlines, or other files you may have created. You can re-install the Sampler later. 43 You can delete the remaining files with Custom Uninstall or with the File Manager or Explorer. However, do not delete the authorization files (NAVPRESS.*) from your hard disk. 44 There is nothing to uninstall. 45 \n \nIf you want to save data created with the Sampler, you should move it out of directory %s before continuing. \n \nDo you want to delete all these things? 49 Cannot uninstall. (Code %li) 50 Some read-only files were not deleted. 51 Complete Uninstall \n \n 52 Would you like to install support for a word processor? -- No longer used 53 There is a problem changing CONFIG.SYS to contain FILES=%li. (Code %li) 54 There is a problem changing AUTOEXEC.BAT to contain %s at the end of the path. (Code %li) 55 The file CONFIG.SYS was modified as shown: \n \n FILES=%li, or higher. \n \nBackup file: %s 56 Would you like to remove the Sampler from the hard disk? 57 The order form could not be placed in the clipboard. Please try again. 58 Send To: \n NavPress Software \n 1934 Rutland Drive, Suite 500 \n Austin, TX 78758-5418 \n \n 59 Phone: 800-888-9898, 512-835-6900 \n Fax: 512-834-1888 \n America Online: NavPress \n CompuServe: 70242,3616 \n Internet: NavPress@aol.com \n \n 60 INSTRUCTIONS: \n Please fill in information on lines designated by **. \n \n** Your Name: \n** Address: \n** City, St, Zip: \n 61 ** Phone: \n 62 ** 24-Hour Fax: \n \n 63 Items Ordered: \n 64 SUBTOTAL: 65 \n** TX Residents Add 8.25% Sales Tax: \n** ORDER TOTAL: \n \nPayment Method: \n** MasterCard or Visa Number: \n** Expiration Date: \n** Check Number (Mail only; US dollars and US bank): \n \n 66 \nThe unlock procedure and order key will normally be returned \n by the method you use to send this form to us. \nFor special situations, please modify this form appropriately. \nYou can re-create this form by repeating the Mail/Fax procedure. \nThis form must be created on the computer where the software \n will be used or the unlock procedure will not work. 67 Do not delete or move the authorization files (NAVPRESS.*) on your hard disk, because you will not be able to use products from this CD, except the Sampler, until you contact technical support and repeat the unlock procedure. 68 If you do, you might not be able to use products from this CD, except the Sampler, until you restore your authorization from a floppy disk backup, or until you contact technical support and repeat the unlock procedure. There is no charge for this service, but you must pay for the phone call. \n \n 69 There is no charge for this service, but you must pay for the phone call. 70 FREE 71 If you have made any changes to %s, and you either uninstall or re-install it, you will lose your changes. \n \nIf you want to keep any changes you have made, remove the check mark from the box before continuing. 72 MB 73 Now that you have unlocked some products, we 74 recommend that you do at least a "Minimum Installation," even if you have previously installed some products, because some data files must be copied to the hard disk before they can be used. \n \n 75 Some items in this package are already unlocked. They are marked with this symbol. 76 That is not a valid Retailer ID. \nPlease re-enter it, or call \n800-888-9898 for assistance. 77 NAVPRESS.INI 78 Unknown 79 It is important to record the Retailer ID of your CD. Products cannot be unlocked without it. \n \nIf you do not enter it now, you can enter the Retailer ID later by re-starting this install program. \n \nDo you want to enter the Retailer ID now? 80 \n------- NOTE ------- \nWhen you order, please indicate your choice of optional product(s) from the description above, either verbally or on the Mail / Fax order form. 81 RetailID 82 Install 83 ** Specify optional product(s) with item above: \n 84 AgreeToLicense 85 Uninstall complete. 86 Do you want to uninstall? 87 This item is already unlocked. 88 Retailer ID: 89 Customer Code: 90 The Order Key field is empty. To unlock software, you must contact NavPress Software to get an order key. \n \nYou CAN try the Sampler without an order key. From the main menu, click "Install Sampler." 91 This program (INSTALL.EXE) was not able to uninstall itself. This is normal. You can delete it manually using the File Manager, if you exit this program first. -- No longer used 92 The PATH statement in AUTOEXEC.BAT is too long for us to add %s and have it work. Consider removing entries that are no longer needed. 93 ACCEPT 94 Installation cancelled. \n \nSince the installation was not completed, you should install again before attempting to use the products you were installing. 95 MakeNoIcons 96 \AUTOEXEC.BAT 97 \CONFIG.SYS 98 C: 99 Your system should be restarted so that changes made to system files will take effect. \n \nIs it OK to restart your system now? 100 A field containing a price was badly formed, or contained a price which was out of range. 101 This is included with the %s, which is already selected. 102 You should exit Windows and restart the system before using NavPress Software products. 104 The backup routine is complete. Remember to label each floppy disk with "NavPress Authorization File" and the date. \n \nIf you need to restore your authorization file from a backup, run this Installer and select "%s" from the main menu. 105 The Installer cannot detect any floppy (removable) disk drives \non your computer. "Backup Unlock Info" is designed to make \nbackups on floppy (removable) disks only. 106 Your unlock authorization file (NAVPRESS.INI) could not be read. \nPlease make sure that it is not being used by another program. 107 Please insert a new, freshly formatted floppy disk in the selected \ndrive, and then press "Make Backup" when you are ready. 108 If you would like to make another backup, please insert a new, \nformatted floppy disk into the drive, and press "Make Backup." 110 This floppy disk apparently already contains an unlock authorization file (NAVPRESS.INI). Each backup must go on a separate disk. \n \nPlease insert another disk -- one which does not contain NAVPRESS.INI -- \ninto drive %c:, and press "Make Backup" again. 111 The backup could not be created. \n \nPlease make sure that 112 \n - there is a formatted floppy disk in the drive, and \n - the floppy disk has at least %luK of free space. 113 \n - the floppy disk is NOT write protected, \n - the floppy disk does not contain NAVPRESS.INI, and \n - NAVPRESS.INI on the hard disk is not being used \n by another program. 114 the floppy disk has no bad sectors. 115 the floppy disk is NOT write protected. 116 This will be the backup drive: 117 Please select the backup drive. 118 The backup was successful. You may remove the floppy disk \nfrom the drive. \n \n 119 Your authorization file does not yet contain any unlock information, \nso there is none to backup. \n \nHowever, you may want to use a normal backup utility to save \nyour hard disk data. 120 The authorization file on your hard disk is no longer valid, so the \nInstaller cannot make a backup of it. \n \nIf you have made an authorization backup disk in the past, please \nselect "%s" on the main menu, and \nthen "Restore Unlock Info." 121 The Installer cannot detect any floppy (removable) disk drives \non your computer. "Restore Unlock Info" is designed to read \nfrom floppy (removable) disk backups only. 122 The drive from which to restore: 123 Select the drive from which to restore: 124 The unlock information could not be restored. \n \nPlease make sure that 125 \n - a floppy disk is in the selected drive, and \n - the floppy disk contains NAVPRESS.INI. 126 \n - NAVPRESS.INI on the floppy disk is not being used \n by another program, and \n - the floppy disk has no bad sectors. 127 \n - the password which you entered is correct, and \n - the floppy disk backup was made with \n "Backup Unlock Info." 128 the floppy disk backup \nwas made with "Backup Unlock Info." 129 \n - this computer is running under Windows, and \n - the hard disk contains a Windows directory. 130 the disk which contains your \nWindows directory has at least %luK of free space. 131 \n - NAVPRESS.INI in the Windows directory on your hard \n disk is not being used by another program, and \n - the hard disk has no bad sectors. 132 \n - NAVPRESS.INI in the Windows directory on your hard \n disk is not being used by another program \n - the same file is NOT read-only, and \n - the hard disk is NOT write protected. 133 The unlock information could not be restored. \n \nYour hard disk already contains a valid authorization file, and this floppy disk backup may not be combined with it. 134 The unlock information could not be restored. \n \nPlease close all other applications. If there is a file named "NPS$$$$$.TMP" \nin your Windows directory, please rename the file. 135 When the restore process is finished, this floppy disk backup will be obselete. Please use "Backup Unlock Info" to make a new floppy disk backup. 136 The unlock information has been restored to your hard disk. 144 To be determined 145 %s MB required; %lu MB free on %c: 146 Old\ 147 More\ 149 Please exit %s before starting the Installer. 150 LESSONmaker 151 WORDsearch 152 Another version of the Installer is already running. \n \nPlease exit the other version before starting this Installer. 153 NavPressSoftwareInstaller 154 NavPressSoftwareWORDsearch 155 NavPressSoftwareLESSONmaker 156 To accomodate new and revised products, a small number of old NavPress Software files have been moved to %s. Other old NavPress Software files may have been renamed or deleted. 157 .nps\ 158 The Installer cannot confirm the validity of your unlock authorization \nfile NAVPRESS.INI. \n \nPlease 159 choose "%s" on the main menu \nto restore your unlock authorization file from a floppy disk backup. 160 exit the Installer, and run the Installer on your CD instead. \nIf you still receive this notice, please choose "Backup / Restore \nUnlock Info" on the main menu to restore your unlock authorization \nfile from a floppy disk backup. 161 NavPressSoftwareZIPscript 162 ZIPscript 163 - to use when CD not present \n- for optimum performance \n \n 164 Uncheck 165 - to save hard-disk space \n \n 166 Please read the license agreement above. \nIf you agree to the terms, please indicate your acceptance \nby typing %s in the box at right. Then press "Enter." \nIf you do not accept, click "%s." 167 You have already accepted the license agreement above. \n \nWhen you are done reviewing the agreement, please click \n"%s" to return to the main menu. 168 Cancel 169 1 170 All products on this CD are already unlocked. \n \nWe 171 Would you like to install now? 172 There is no Sampler on this CD, because the CD contains complete, unlocked versions of all files. \n \nInstead, we 173 Installer 174 WORDsearch 4 175 Version 176 - We will unlock the WORDsearch software with \n KJV for free; select "Unlock" on the main menu. 177 - Any products which are already unlocked may \n be installed now; select "Install" on the main menu. 178 ZIPscriptStartUp 179 Would you like to add ZIPscript to the StartUp folder (or group), so that it will be started automatically when you launch Windows? \n \n 180 ZIPscript lets you quickly insert a Bible verse into your word processor, without using WORDsearch. Automatically starting ZIPscript means you do not have to do so later. \n \nWe recommend answering "Yes." 181 If ZIPscript is in your StartUp folder (or group), would you like to remove it? 182 Alt\ 183 MSVCRT40.DLL 184 -%s;<%s 185 -%s%s 240 Your entries could not be recorded. \n \nPlease make sure that \n - the disk which contains your Windows directory \n is not full, \n - NAVPRESS.INI is not write protected, or in use \n by another program, and \n - your entries contain no special characters. 250 BOOK.DAT 251 DefaultDirX 252 When you click a product at right, a description will appear here. \n \nClick "Help" for an introduction. 253 The authorization file on your hard disk is no longer valid, so the \nInstaller cannot accept your new order key. \n \nIf you have made an authorization backup disk in the past, please \nselect "%s" on the main menu, and \nthen "Restore Unlock Info." 254 The requested products have been unlocked. \n \nPlease click "Close" to proceed. 255 NAVPRESS\CDINFO.INI 280 The requested products have been unlocked. \nThis is indicated by a key symbol displayed next to them. \n \n 281 Some STEP texts which have been unlocked might not be accessible. It is most likely that the inaccessible texts do not exist on this CD. Your customer service representative can provide further information. 283 \n - the NavPress Software CD was missing from the drive, OR, 287 The Order Key information cannot be saved. \nPlease make sure that 288 \n - NAVPRESS.INI in the Windows directory on your hard \n disk is not being used by another program \n - the same file is NOT read-only, and \n - the hard disk is NOT write protected. 800 CD Expandable Library Installer, Version CDX-G 801 Comprehensive Library Installer, Version CL-G 802 Discipleship Library Installer, Version DL-G 803 Classics Library Installer, Version CLS-G 804 WORDsearch Connection Installer, Version WSC-G 805 Life Application® Library Installer, Version LAL-H 806 Youthworker's Library Installer, Version YWL-H 900 [AddItem(Write.Exe ?:\NAVPRESS\MANUALS\WS.WRI, WORDsearch Manual on CD )] 901 [AddItem(Write.Exe ?:\NAVPRESS\MANUALS\LM.WRI, LESSONmaker Manual on CD )] 902 [AddItem(Write.Exe ?:\NAVPRESS\MANUALS\LMSUPPL.WRI, LESSONmaker Manual Supplement on CD)] 910 [DeleteItem(WORDsearch Manual on CD )] 911 [DeleteItem(LESSONmaker Manual on CD )] 912 [DeleteItem(LESSONmaker Manual Supplement on CD)] 944 [AddItem(Write.Exe ?:\NAVPRESS\MANUALS\WS.WRI, WORDsearch Manual on CD)] 945 [AddItem(Write.Exe ?:\NAVPRESS\MANUALS\LM.WRI, LESSONmaker Manual on CD)] 946 [AddItem(Write.Exe ?:\NAVPRESS\MANUALS\WSSUPPL.WRI, WORDsearch Manual Supplement on CD)] 952 [DeleteItem(WORDsearch Manual on CD)] 953 [DeleteItem(WORDsearch Manual Supplement on CD)] 954 [DeleteItem(LESSONmaker Manual on CD)] 960 [CreateGroup(NavPress Software)] 961 WinWS.Exe;[AddItem(%s\WinWS.Exe, WORDsearch)];[DeleteItem(WORDsearch)] 962 WinLM.EXE;[AddItem(%s\WinLM.Exe, LESSONmaker)];[DeleteItem(LESSONmaker)] 963 Sampler\WinWS.Exe;[AddItem(%s\Sampler\WinWS.Exe, WORDsearch Sampler)];[DeleteItem(WORDsearch Sampler)] 964 Sampler\WinLM.Exe;[AddItem(%s\Sampler\WinLM.Exe, LESSONmaker Sampler)];[DeleteItem(LESSONmaker Sampler)] 965 ZIPscrpt.Exe;[AddItem(%s\ZIPscrpt.Exe, ZIPscript)];[DeleteItem(ZIPscript)] 966 Install.Exe;[AddItem(%s\Install.Exe, Unlock & Install)];[DeleteItem(Unlock & Install)] 972 [CreateGroup(StartUp)] 973 [ShowGroup(StartUp,1)] 974 [ShowGroup(NavPress Software,1)] 975 [DeleteGroup(NavPress Software)] 976 Ami Pro 3.0 Support 977 Ami Pro 3.1 Support 978 Microsoft Word Support 979 WordPerfect 5.2 Support 980 WordPerfect 6.0a Support 981 WordPerfect 6.1 Support 982 Word Pro Support 984 Installs Ami Pro macros for accessing WORDsearch. Ami Pro for Windows must already be installed. 985 Installs Ami Pro macros for accessing WORDsearch. Ami Pro for Windows must already be installed. 986 Installs Microsoft Word macros for accessing WORDsearch. Microsoft Word for Windows must already be installed. 987 Installs WordPerfect macros for accessing WORDsearch. WordPerfect for Windows must already be installed. 988 Installs WordPerfect macros for accessing WORDsearch. WordPerfect for Windows must already be installed. 989 Installs WordPerfect macros for accessing WORDsearch. WordPerfect for Windows must already be installed. 990 Installs Word Pro macros for accessing WORDsearch. Word Pro must already be installed. 992 Sampler Uninstall 993 Custom Uninstall 994 Complete Uninstall 995 Remove ZIPscript from StartUp 1000 AMIPRO\*.*|The Ami Pro menus will be modified to let you switch to WORDsearch or insert Bible verses. SmartIcons are also available, but they cannot be installed automatically, so read the information in AMIWS.SAM after this installation is complete. 1001 AMIPRO\*.*|The Ami Pro menus will be modified to let you switch to WORDsearch or insert Bible verses. SmartIcons are also available, but they cannot be installed automatically, so read the information in AMIWS.SAM after this installation is complete. 1002 |Please start Microsoft Word for Windows and use it to open file \NAVPRESS\WINWORD\WORDx.DOC on the CD, where "x" is the version of Word you have. Then follow the directions in that document. 1003 WPWIN\*.*|The WordPerfect menus can be modified to let you switch to WORDsearch, or insert Bible verses. When installation is complete, see file WORDPERF.DOC for instructions. 1004 WPWIN60\*.*|From WordPerfect you will be able to use either menus or icon buttons to switch to WORDsearch or insert Bible verses. When this installation is complete, see file WORDPERF.DOC for instructions. 1005 WPWIN61\*.*|From WordPerfect you will be able to use either menus or icon buttons to switch to WORDsearch or insert Bible verses. When this installation is complete, see file WORDPERF.DOC for instructions. 1006 WordPro\*.*|After installing Word Pro support, please start Word Pro and use it to open file LWP96.LWP. Then follow the directions in that document. (If LWP96.LWP is not in the list of documents, look in the DOCS subdirectory.) 1008 Uninstalls the Sampler. 1009 Uninstalls the products you select. 1010 Uninstalls all products on this CD, except those that may have been modified. 1011 Remove ZIPscript from the StartUp folder (or group), so that it will not be started automatically when you launch Windows. 1024 Install Sampler 1025 Unlock 1026 Install (or Update) 1027 Uninstall 1028 Backup / Restore Unlock Info 1029 Review License Agreement 1040 Install on the hard disk the WORDsearch and LESSONmaker Sampler. This gives you access to samples of WORDsearch data for the book of John. All functions can be performed on this data, so this is a great way to try the various products. 1041 Unlock products on this CD (including your free WORDsearch with KJV, if applicable) by phone, fax, or mail. Also, see what you have already unlocked. 1042 Install any unlocked programs and data files from the CD onto the hard disk. Also, update files that are already on the hard disk. 1043 Remove programs, data files, or the Sampler from the hard disk. Unlocked files will remain unlocked, and you can re-install them at any time or (in most cases) use them directly from the CD. 1044 Make (or restore from) a floppy disk backup of your unlock authorization file, so you can continue to use NavPress Software products after a hard disk problem, on a replacement computer, or on a second computer used by only you. 1045 Display the License Agreement. 1056 Minimum Installation (Recommended) 1057 Custom Installation 1058 Complete Installation 1059 ZIPscript Auto StartUp 1060 Word Processor Support 1072 Install only files that cannot run from the CD. This saves hard disk space, but runs slower and requires that the CD be in the drive. 1073 Select which files to install on the hard disk. Those you install will run faster and use hard disk space; others will run slower and require that the CD be in the drive for use. 1074 Install on the hard disk all products that you have purchased. This runs fastest, uses the most hard disk space, and never requires that the CD be in the drive. 1075 Add ZIPscript to the StartUp folder (or group), so that it will be started automatically when you launch Windows. ZIPscript lets you quickly insert a Bible verse into your word processor, without using WORDsearch. 1076 Install word processor macros that make it easier to insert a WORDsearch verse from within the word processor. Although convenient, this is not necessary for copying verses and other data to the word processor from WORDsearch and LESSONmaker. 1100 Backup Unlock Info 1101 Restore Unlock Info 1110 Backup or Restore 1120 Make a floppy disk backup of your unlock authorization file. 1121 Restore from a floppy disk backup of your unlock authorization file. 2000 What this Installer Does:\n* Allows you to choose "minimum", "custom", or "complete" installation of WORDsearch files from the CD-ROM disk to the hard disk.\n* 2066 SampleWS/ 2067 SampleLM/ 2075 Samples 2077 SamplWSX/ 2078 Outlines\ 2079 Outlines 3072 This agreement sets forth the terms upon which you are granted a license to use the Programs, user manuals, and data (collectively referred to as the "Program Materials") that are contained in this package. 3073 PLEASE READ THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU USE THE PROGRAM MATERIALS IN ANY MANNER. YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT DURING THE INSTALLATION 3074 OF THE PROGRAM MATERIALS ONTO YOUR COMPUTER. IF YOU DO NOT DO SO, YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO USE THE PROGRAM MATERIALS. 3075 IN SUCH CASE, YOU MAY NOT USE OR COPY ANY OF THE PROGRAM MATERIALS AND YOU MUST IMMEDIATELY RETURN THE PROGRAM MATERIALS AND PACKAGING TO THE PLACE YOU OBTAINED THEM FOR A FULL REFUND. \n \n 3076 1. License Fees. The purchase price you paid for the Program Materials is in consideration of the licenses granted you under this Agreement. The Program Materials are licensed to you, not sold. \n \n 3077 2. Accessing the Program Materials. In the process of installing portions of the Program Materials onto your computer, you will be given the opportunity to read this Agreement on your screen and indicate your acceptance of its terms. 3078 If you choose to accept the terms of this agreement, you will be given access to a Sampler of programs which, except for having limited amounts of data, are representative of the complete Program Materials. 3079 Additionally, you will be given instructions on how to "unlock" versions of the Program Materials having complete data. Some of these unlockable Program Materials are provided free of charge and others must be purchased. 3080 All Program Materials, including the installation program, the Sampler, and the unlockable materials are subject to the terms of this agreement. \n \n 3081 3. Grant of Limited Use License. Conditioned upon your acceptance of the terms of this Agreement, NavPress Software hereby grants you, and you hereby accept, subject to all the restrictions set forth in this Agreement, 3082 a nonexclusive license (a) to use the Programs in machine-readable, object code form only, (b) to use the User Manuals, and (c) to access and use the Data. \n \n 3083 This license is granted ONLY for (a) those Program Materials for which you have paid to NavPress Software the required license fee and received from NavPress Software an Order Key to unlock them, and 3084 (b) the Sampler, User Manuals, and utility programs. You agree not to attempt to use, unlock or decrypt any other Program Materials. \n \n 3085 The Program Materials may be in use only on a single computer owned, leased or otherwise controlled by you at any given time. 3086 The Program Materials are "in use" on a computer when the Programs and/or Data are loaded into the temporary memory (i.e., RAM) or installed into the permanent memory (e.g., hard disk, CD-ROM, or other storage device) of that computer. 3087 If the Program Materials are permanently installed on the hard disk or other storage device of a computer and one person uses that computer more 3088 than 80% of the time it is in use, then that person may also use the Program Materials on a portable or home computer. \n \n 3089 Neither concurrent use on two or more computers nor use in a local area network or other network is permitted without separate authorization and the payment of other license fees. 3090 You also agree that you will not utilize the Program Materials as part of a service bureau, time-sharing, or interactive system. You agree that you will not assign, sublicense, transfer, pledge, lease, rent, or share your rights under this agreement. 3091 You agree that you will not reverse assemble, reverse compile, or otherwise translate any part of the Program Materials. 3092 You also agree that you will not remove or obscure the proprietary rights notices and legends of NavPress Software or other parties as found in the Program Materials. 3093 Upon loading the Program Materials into your computer, you may make one archival copy of the Programs and Data for backup purposes. You agree to label such copies with all proprietary notices exactly as they appear on the originals. \n \n 3094 4. Rights of NavPress Software. By accepting this Agreement, you receive the right to use the Program Materials as specified herein, but you do not become the owner of the Program Materials or copies thereof. 3095 You specifically acknowledge that NavPress Software (and/or its data suppliers) are the exclusive proprietors of the Program Materials and of all the copyright and proprietary interest therein. 3096 You will not by virtue of this Agreement acquire any proprietary interest in the Program Materials. \n \n 3097 You agree that, although you may retrieve the data contained in the Program Materials for your personal, research or scholastic use, all use made of the data retrieved must be in compliance with the copyright laws, 3098 all other federal and state laws, and all terms contained herein. 3099 You agree that you will not resell the data or retrieve and use it for purposes of preparing a database or other electronic or magnetic compilation of such materials, whether or not rearranged in sequence or subject. \n \n 3100 You also acknowledge that the Program Materials are protected by copyright, trade secrets, and trademark law. 3101 You acknowledge that the Program Materials and backup copies are the property of NavPress Software (or the parties from which NavPress Software licenses certain portions of the Program Materials). 3102 You acknowledge that the Program Materials contain certain valuable, confidential, unpublished information developed or acquired by NavPress Software at great expense, including data processing algorithms, innovations, arrangements, and concepts. 3103 You agree to use your best efforts to protect the materials from unauthorized reproduction, distribution, disclosure, use or publication. 3104 You agree that you will not disclose or utilize trade secrets or proprietary information you receive in the Program Materials except as provided herein. \n \n 3105 5. Limited Warranty. NavPress Software warrants, for your benefit alone, for a period of 90 days from the date of commencement of this Agreement (referred to as the "Warranty Period") that the recording medium in which the Programs and Data 3106 are contained are free from defects in material and workmanship. NavPress Software further warrants, for your benefit alone, that during the Warranty Period any unlocked Program will 3107 operate substantially the same as the corresponding Program in the Sampler, which you had the opportunity to examine before paying the unlock license fee. 3108 If during the Warranty Period a defect in the product appears, you may return the product to NavPress Software for either replacement, or, if so elected by NavPress Software, refund of amounts paid by you under this Agreement. 3109 You agree that the foregoing constitutes your sole and exclusive remedy for breach by NavPress Software of any warranties made under this Agreement. \n \n 3110 The parties other than NavPress Software that compile and publish the texts, databases and like materials which may be included in the Program Materials are solely responsible for the contents of such material, 3111 and you agree to make no claim against NavPress Software arising out of the contents of such materials, including, but not limited to, defamation and invasion of privacy. 3112 NavPress Software does not warrant the comprehensiveness, accuracy or adequacy of the Program Materials for any particular use or purpose. EXCEPT FOR THE WARRANTIES SET FORTH ABOVE, THE PROGRAM MATERIALS ARE LICENSED "AS IS." 3113 NAVPRESS SOFTWARE DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY WARRANTIES THAT 3114 MAY ARISE FROM USAGE OF TRADE OR COURSE OF DEALING. 3115 LICENSOR EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES NOT STATED HEREIN. FURTHER, NAVPRESS SOFTWARE DOES NOT WARRANT, GUARANTEE, OR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE USE, OR THE RESULTS OF THE USE, OF THE PROGRAM MATERIALS IN TERMS 3116 OF CORRECTNESS, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, CURRENTNESS, OR OTHERWISE AND DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE OPERATION OF THE SOFTWARE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE. \n \n 3117 6. Limitation of Liability. NAVPRESS SOFTWARE S CUMULATIVE LIABILITY TO YOU OR ANY OTHER PARTY FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY CLAIMS, DEMANDS, OR ACTIONS ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT 3118 SHALL NOT EXCEED THE LICENSE FEE PAID TO NAVPRESS SOFTWARE FOR THE USE OF THE PROGRAM MATERIALS. 3119 IN NO EVENT SHALL NAVPRESS SOFTWARE BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES OR LOST PROFITS, EVEN IF NAVPRESS SOFTWARE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. 3120 NO DEALER, COMPANY, OR PERSON IS AUTHORIZED TO EXPAND OR ALTER EITHER THESE WARRANTIES OR THIS AGREEMENT; AND SUCH REPRESENTATION WILL NOT BIND NAVPRESS SOFTWARE. 3121 SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. \n \n 3122 You acknowledge that it is your responsibility to (a) select products that meet your needs; (b) make backups of your data regularly; (c) choose, maintain, and match your hardware; and (d) install, use, and obtain results from the Program Materials. \n \n 3123 7. Term. This Agreement is effective upon your indication of acceptance in the program installation screens and shall continue until terminated. 3124 You may terminate this Agreement at any time by returning the Program Materials and all copies thereof and extracts therefrom to NavPress Software. 3125 NavPress Software may terminate this Agreement upon the breach by you of any term hereof. Upon such termination or breach by you, you agree to return to NavPress Software the Materials and all copies and portions thereof. \n \n 3126 8. General. This License Agreement will be governed by Texas law to the extent that Texas law is not preempted by federal law, and by federal law governing copyrights and trademarks, if Texas law is preempted by these federal laws. 3127 If any provision hereof is finally held to contravene that jurisdiction's law, that provision will be deemed deleted, but will not affect any other provision's validity; the parties expressly agree that every limitation of liability, 3128 disclaimer of warranties, or exclusion of damages is intended to be severable and independent of any other such provision and to be enforced as such, and shall remain in effect even if a remedy is held to have failed of its essential purpose. \n \n 3129 If either party brings an action to enforce or interpret this agreement, the prevailing party will be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys' fees and litigation expenses in addition to other appropriate relief. \n \n 3130 This Agreement covers any updates, backups, merged or partial copies of the Program Materials, and constitutes our entire understanding and agreement regarding the Program Materials. 3131 Any prior purchase order, communications, advertising, or representations are superseded. This Agreement may only be modified in a written amendment signed by NavPress Software. 3132 No action for any warranty breach under this Agreement may be commenced more than one year following warranty expiration. 3133 Except for warranty breach actions, either party's failure or delay to enforce any provision hereof will not waive that party's rights. 3134 Your confidential information obligations will survive any agreement termination. You acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to the Agreement terms. \n \n 3135 9. U.S. Government Restricted Rights. The Program materials are provided with Restricted Rights. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software 3136 clause at DFARS 252.227-7013(c)(1)(ii) or the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights clause at 48 CFR 52.227-19(c)(2), or clause 18-52.227-86(d) of the NASA Supplement, as applicable. 3137 Manufacturer is NavPress Software, 1934 Rutland Drive, Suite 500, Austin, TX 78758. 57344 WORDsearch Connection Installer 57345 Ready 57600 Create a new document 57601 Open an existing document 57602 Close the active document 57603 Save the active document 57604 Save the active document with a new name 57616 Open this document 57617 Open this document 57618 Open this document 57619 Open this document 57632 Erase the selection 57633 Erase everything 57634 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard 57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard 57636 Find the specified text 57637 Insert Clipboard contents 57640 Repeat the last action 57641 Replace specific text with different text 57642 Select the entire document 57643 Undo the last action 57644 Redo the previously undone action 57664 Display program information, version number and copyright 57665 Quit the application; prompts to save documents 57680 Switch to the next window pane 57681 Switch back to the previous window pane 59136 EXT 59137 CAP 59138 NUM 59139 SCRL 59140 OVR 59141 REC 61184 Change the window size 61185 Change the window position 61186 Reduce the window to an icon 61187 Enlarge the window to full size 61188 Switch to the next document window 61189 Switch to the previous document window 61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents 61202 Restore the window to normal size 61203 Activate Task List 61440 Open 61441 Save As 61442 All Files (*.*) 61443 Untitled 61457 &Hide 61472 No error message is available. 61473 An unsupported operation was attempted. 61474 A required resource was unavailable. 61475 Out of memory. 61476 An unknown error has occurred. 61588 Linked %s 61589 Unknown Type 61696 Invalid filename. 61697 Failed to open document. 61698 Failed to save document. 61699 Save changes to %1? 61700 Failed to create empty document. 61701 The file is too large to open. 61702 Could not start print job. 61703 Failed to launch help. 61704 Internal application error. 61705 Command failed. 61706 Insufficient memory to perform operation. 61712 Please enter an integer. 61713 Please enter a number. 61714 Please enter an integer between %1 and %2. 61715 Please enter a number between %1 and %2. 61716 Please enter no more than %1 characters. 61717 Please select a button. 61718 Please enter an integer between 0 and 255. 61719 Please enter a positive integer. 61720 Please enter a date and/or time. 61721 Please enter a currency. 61728 Unexpected file format. 61729 %1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given. 61730 Destination disk drive is full. 61731 Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else. 61732 Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else. 61733 An unexpected error occurred while reading %1. 61734 An unexpected error occurred while writing %1. 61829 %1\nUnable to register document.\nThe document may already be open. 61836 Unable to read write-only property. 61837 Unable to write read-only property. 61840 Unable to load mail system support. 61841 Mail system DLL is invalid. 61842 Send Mail failed to send message. 61856 No error occurred. 61857 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. 61858 %1 was not found. 61859 %1 contains an invalid path. 61860 %1 could not be opened because there are too many open files. 61861 Access to %1 was denied. 61862 An invalid file handle was associated with %1. 61863 %1 could not be removed because it is the current directory. 61864 %1 could not be created because the directory is full. 61865 Seek failed on %1 61866 A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing %1. 61867 A sharing violation occurred while accessing %1. 61868 A locking violation occurred while accessing %1. 61869 Disk full while accessing %1. 61870 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end. 61872 No error occurred. 61873 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. 61874 An attempt was made to write to the reading %1. 61875 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end. 61876 An attempt was made to read from the writing %1. 61877 %1 has a bad format. 61878 %1 contained an unexpected object. 61879 %1 contains an incorrect schema. 61888 pixels